. able together . age of majority . angel . babbage's machine . balthasar . bear was last . behind fences . bird woman with man . blood pouring . boy holding . buffalo man . bull . call for details . carol's picture . code splitting . comp large mask . daily matinee . dancers above . .de la cabeza . dog wearing . fictitous bus . fictitous name . 50205 . 57740 . forms in repose . four on a page . frogs and science . garden . generally speaking . golden opportunity . hong kong . ibm pc . if i were . july 28 . king and queen . king's arm . kneeling woman . lp1 941 . man emerging . mourning dove . mulberry bush . night picture . nuts will grow . osso buco . panoramic eye . por la cabeza . .quiet wink . the journey . robot geniuses . safe and pleasant . second class . shark . six on a page . small moving . soldiers with . so perfect . Solomon . song for the dog . so the bears . spanish monk . spearheaded . spencer tunich . stars rising . textual traits . their eggs . three goddesses . three on a page . tree climbing . true and fruitful . turtle and hen . two boys with . two cats . two men and bird . two on a page . two women . unusually . vertical . wednesday . white elephant . women carrying . world with